Readwise AI, Street Art, Bookworm, Can't Complain, Budgeting
This edition covers new AI tools for book highlights, inspiring street art, and budgeting tips for finances.
Chat with your book highlights
Readwise, the popular service that collections your highlights from books, articles, podcasts, and more, has upped their game by adding AI Chat into their current offerings. This new feature could give users more reason to keep their literature notes in Readwise and only use their notes application for their own ideas.
Street Art Utopia
Street Art Utopia is a site that shares photos of interesting street art. There are some very cool photos from amazing artists here!
Bookworm Podcast
The Bookworm Podcast is my go-to resource for sifting through all the self-development books out there. Every couple of weeks, Mike and Cory read a new book and share what they learn. I find it's a great way to learn key concepts from these books and decide if I want to read the book myself.
Can’t complain
"The obvious reason to complain is to make a change happen. If that’s the goal, though, we ought to focus those complaints where they’ll do the most good and be prepared to do the work to have an impact. Organize the others, take consistent and persistent action, and market the complaint in a format and with a focus that will lead to action." (Seth Godin, “Can’t Complain”)’
Budget what you have today
When creating a budget for your finances, it's much more effective to budget the money you have rather than trying to budget the money you think you will have in the future. By budgeting only what you have now, you're giving every dollar a purpose, whether it's for groceries or saving for a cash purchase of your dream car. You don't need an "emergency fund" because you already have future expenses allocated in your budget using money you have today. This change has made a huge difference in my life.