Use a Working Memory File
Using a Working Memory file is a fantastic way to offload thoughts from your mind while you focus on getting work done.
As we work throughout the day, we're bombarded with things coming at us, such as tasks, ideas, meeting notes, and much more. We need a place to dump things that are useful at the moment but don't need to be kept long-term, like code snippets or copied text.
A simple "Working Memory" file can help by providing one place to dump things throughout the day.
I learned this technique from Cal Newport, but I'm sure he didn't invent the idea; perhaps he did invent the name.
You can use anything from Notepad to your favorite Markdown editor or even your existing notes application. Create a single file that you'll update throughout the day.
Add the top-priority tasks you want to work on.
Jot down meeting notes.
Copy and paste some text you are referring to.
Add ideas that pop into your head.
You can process this file at the end of the day (or throughout the day). Go through everything and move things to their proper home. If it's a new task you didn't finish, move it to your task app. If it is a code snippet you want to keep, add it to your notes application. If it's something you won't need again, delete it!
Remove everything as you process the file and start each day fresh!